Friday, March 27, 2009
Erotic Dreams About People You Know and Didn't Know You Were Attracted To...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Waking up with a dog in my bed....
Monday, March 23, 2009
There is No Punishment Great Enough for Greg Gutfeld....
For a more balanced perspective on the Canadian contribution in Afghanistan:
I want to be very clear - I am a pacifist of sorts. I believe that a country should use force to protect itself only. I would not want a loved one to join the armed forces, not because I do not support them, but because, as George Bush showed us, sometimes countries use the armed forces for less than righteous purposes. But I respect those with enough courage to join, and wish them safe return.
We in Canada are in the process of mourning 4 more fallen soldiers, sent in support of our NATO ally, the U.S., after the 9-11 attacks. What disgusts me is that, in expressing my disgust, I am giving this ass clown more publicity. I wrote to Fox News and demanded that it give an apology and that Gutless Gutfeld be fired (and I NEVER write letters).
This man is a pig.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Squirrel Dater wants me to post something....
So I leave the Courthouse to effing car has been booted. Yes, a nice little device that they attach to your vehicle to ensure you pay your outstanding parking tickets. There was also a large orange sticker pasted to my vehicle that announced I was a deadbeat that had not paid her tickets....classy stuff. In fairness, I think at least 3 of those tickets were as a result of the Tricky Man using my vehicle last year. So I phoned him and made him pay my tickets in line, while I phoned the City Treasurer's office and demanded in my best lawyer voice that they get their Parking Nazis back over there to unboot my car. How embarraskin'.
In other news, Squirrel Dater also demanded that I meet up for my first online date. He is a cowboy, not that uncommon in this neck of the woods. The men are men here, and the cows are nervous.
We talked for 3 hours, and probably would have talked for longer, but we got kicked out of the restaurant so that they could close. He seemed nice, a bit nervous at first, but I think it went pretty well, and he said he would phone me tonight to see how my day at the ski hill went today.
I can honestly say that I am not over the Tricky Man completely (hey, it's only been a few weeks), but I think I can probably control those feelings.
And for those of you who are worried about the Whole Body Vibration Exercise, I now have the go-ahead from the seller to phone a $%^ing electrician to fix the damn thing. So hopefully I will be jiggling my uterus again soon.