Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Consequences vs. Bad Luck

So, I am sad to report that, after a too-short life, the Whole Body Vibration Exercise Machine stopped working. No current runs through it. On the seller's instructions I have sent the "black box" to him to determine whether that is the problem. I can't tell you how bummed this made me feel.

Coupled with that, the Tricky Man contacted me to say that he loved me, but knew that "he couldn't make me happy." This angered me. It places the blame on me, don't you think? Lost in the statement is the fact that he wasn't trying. When you don't try to make a relationship a good one, it usually fails.

It leads me to my kvetch of the day (aside from that against malfunctioning exercise machines) does NOT happen to you. Not in that way.

You are speeding to work because you pushed snooze too many times. You get stopped by the police for speeding and are given a ticket. THIS IS NOT BAD LUCK. It is a consequence of your own actions.

Negative people throw up their hands at that point and say that this would be proof that their lives suck and that they have BAD LUCK. It's not. Some health conditions may be proof of "bad luck." Getting struck by lightning is usually a sign of bad luck.

I believe that if some ass clown bemoans a "consequence" as being "bad luck", you should be able to slap them upside the head. I think that should be included in the Criminal Code as a justifiable use of force.

1 comment:

  1. On the good luck side… I talked to a very successful horse breeder/racer and asked him how he got so lucky and was able to win so often. He replied, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”
