Monday, March 23, 2009

There is No Punishment Great Enough for Greg Gutfeld....

I became aware of this piece of excrement in the toilet bowl that is Fox News this morning...

For a more balanced perspective on the Canadian contribution in Afghanistan:

I want to be very clear - I am a pacifist of sorts. I believe that a country should use force to protect itself only. I would not want a loved one to join the armed forces, not because I do not support them, but because, as George Bush showed us, sometimes countries use the armed forces for less than righteous purposes. But I respect those with enough courage to join, and wish them safe return.

We in Canada are in the process of mourning 4 more fallen soldiers, sent in support of our NATO ally, the U.S., after the 9-11 attacks. What disgusts me is that, in expressing my disgust, I am giving this ass clown more publicity. I wrote to Fox News and demanded that it give an apology and that Gutless Gutfeld be fired (and I NEVER write letters).

This man is a pig.


  1. Obviously your letter has made an impact

  2. LOL - it probably had more to do with our defence minister phoning Fox News than my letter! We Canadians are always willing to have a laugh at our own expense, but this guy is just not funny. One of our most popular comedians was quoted yesterday as saying that there were three elements to satire - you have to tell the truth, you have to ensure you aren't being mean and you can't be an asshole.
